Continued Professional Development (CPD)

Workshops for Ongoing Skills Improvement

Standing out in a crowded labour market, can be tough.  At TDS, we can help you or your team to stand out by using our structured process to adopt Emotional Intelligence strategies to improve communication skills by enrolling in our module tailored to your needs. We will help you find ways to develop professional competence to achieve Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to meet Organisational expectations. You will develop skills to:

- analyse the current situation
- evaluate existing resources
- identify gaps
- help differentiate workplace needs from individual's needs
- create the opportunity to fast track your career

Why Choose Workplace Training Support and Assessments (WTSA)?

who we work withOur structured programs with felxible delivery will help you to organise your training that can be streamlined and stylised to maximise collaborative engagement on how to leverage organisational expectations and human resources. With the ongoing support, you will be able to tap into and action feedback to achieve targetted outcomes.

Our Clients

flow chartThe tailored Workplace Training Service is for anyone requiring professional development and for any Organisation dealing with people. Our model is based on principles that can be applied to any number of situations, dealing with professionals even team leaders within the work environment.

Workplace Training to Maximise Work Health & Safety (WHS)

who healthcare

Work Health & Safety.  It can be hard to manage your industry whilst ensuring a safe workplace free from injuries and hazards. The aim of any organisation irrespective of size is to establish processes to implement and montior WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative obligations.

Everybody knows that it is important to take a proactive approach to care for our health, safety and our wellbeing in the workplace. Yet, for many organisations and individuals, there are many potential barriers to taking that first step or maintaining regular health and safety checks.

At TDS, we’ve developed a systematic approach for anyone, be it individuals and/or organisations to facilitate and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative obligations.  - to forge a responsible approach to manage risks to ensure a safe workplace and to build stronger, more successful practices that deliver long-term benefits.

The following three accreditted Modules will help you facilitate work health and safety measures in the workplace. 1 Implement and monitor WHS policies,procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements. 2 Manage Risk   3 Ensure a Safe Workplace for a Work Area,

Law Firms

who we work with legal

Dealing with Legal Matters is often a very daunting task especially with disputes of a specific nature. Our Templates can assist individuals to navigate through the different legislations by contacting the regulatory bodies to find ways to access their services. Our approach will provide you with tools to assist you to maintain quality management control and understand how the legal industry functions and how to gain their confidence. The following accredited modules will help facilitate the best approach to achieve your goals. 1 Manage Workforce Planning  2 Develop and Manage Performance Management Processes

Registered Training Organisations (RTO)

 who accountants

RTO's are often trying to keep up with students wanting to attain competency. We can mentor professional individuals to find ways to inform and disseminate information to ensure accreditation process and attainment is acquired. Our mentoring will provide you with tools to assist you on how to achieve  accreditation and how to understand its requirements.The following Modules can facilitate a seamless approach on how to achieve functional goals. 

1 Manage Operational Plan     2 Manage Workforce Planning

Leadership Management

who property

Team Leaders and Managers are often running off their feet trying to keep pace with changes in the workplace and track Key Performance Indicators (KPI's). Our Programs can assist Industries and Individuals find ways to capitalise on their knowledge to develop Leadership Skills to manage team effectiveness in the work environment  and promote successful outcomes. The following accredited modules will address the challenges within the workpalce and how to improve workplace morale to achieve greater output.  1 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships and 2 Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence

Engage in Continued Professional Development (CPD) in the following modules will give you a leading edge in providing more than shortlived experience. Our approach will give you tools, techniques and skills on how to leverage your personality and talent with your professional and personal goals. 


Manage Employee Relations

Facilitate Continuous Improvement

Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development

Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness

Manage People Performance


Call Us Today To Find Out More

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We offer a no-obligation chat with you to find out more about your needs and goals.

Contact us today to make a booking.

Signature T Model

Designs customised training systems that fit your business.

Provides analysis to identify issues and skills gaps before they impact work performance.

Gives you a framework for managing diverse people with diverse skills and values through training processes.

Ongoing support where and when needed.

Recommendations for training and processes.

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Where to find Us

- 0439 398 176

Obligation Free Consultation


Address: Online Registration and Enquiries  e:
Postal: PO Box 598 Bondi Junction NSW 1355